Tuesday 26 August 2014

The Austrian Latin America Institute - "Die Andes liegen in Wien"

Way back when I was applying for jobs and thinking about what skills I had to offer, it occurred to me that organisations with a Spanish or Latin American link might value my combination of languages. My emailed enquiries bore fruit: a month-long internship on the reception of the Institute, working from 2-6pm Monday-Thursday. Although unpaid, this seemed like too good a bit of crossover to pass up, and is providing me with some great work experience while leaving me with plenty of free time to explore the city.

That's it on the corner there. Yes, the reception area is round!

The Institute offers Spanish and Portuguese language courses, organises and advertises cultural events, and promotes academic collaboration and exchange between Austria and Latin America. Most of the reception work relates to the language courses, but as the first point of contact I also deal with enquiries about any of the LAI's other activities - and occasionally things that we don't actually do at all. After three weeks experience of the Institute's work, I am gradually overcoming the deathly fear that initially overcame me whenever the Dread Ring of the Telephone was heard - Austrian dialects, lack of visual cues and limited knowledge of the organisation one is representing are a potentially lethal combination. Fortunately (in this case) customer service is notoriously bad in Vienna, so I can usually acquire some credit just by saying hello in a friendly voice!

As an extra bonus I get to speak some Spanish with the language teachers, as well as do a little reading from the library if I have nothing else to be getting on with (which is rarely). The other staff are all very kind and ready to help out if necessary.

Two of the teachers are artists and some of their paintings are on display: recognise anyone?

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