Monday 11 August 2014

Chance encounters

1st August 2014

On my second full day in Vienna, I was sitting peacefully on a bench by the Donaukanal, watching the water, the cyclists and the world go by, and perusing my Luther in a somewhat perfunctory fashion, when I was approached by a German tourist seeking directions to one of Vienna's many parks (the Augarten). Although newly arrived, I did have in my possession a map and rather a lot of free time, so I decided to go along.

It emerged in conversation that my companion was reading a book on computer science ("which probably isn't that interesting for you") - I did not disagree, but demurred that my father was in fact a computer scientist. It turns out that the book was about Haskell, and that I had by chance encountered a bona fide Haskell-worshipper - and Dad, in his words, is "der Gott von Haskell!!!!".

I was suddenly elevated to celebrity status.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, you've always had celebrity status. Did you not know?
