Greetings and apologies for the long radio silence. I have lots to write about so there should be a good spate of posts over the next few days.
Looking back to the weekend before last, I was delighted to see my lovely sister Meg, safely returned from her gap year travels in Belize.
Up among the vines on the Kahlenberg |
We had a wonderful time enjoying the culinary and cultural offerings of the city centre, and also had a lovely evening walk up the Kahlenberg (above) with Steph (click
here for her blog). On our last evening together, after a meal at the Wiener Deewan (a pay-as-you-like Pakistani restaurant) we went up the same hill again, this time by night with my friend Gabi. The view over the sea of city lights was stunning, particularly as much of the centre is illuminated at night. Apparently, this is a favoured viewing point for the New Year fireworks, so we celebrated with non-alcoholic Sekt and the cupcakes that Meg had baked and brought with her.
Other highlights included riding the Riesenrad (=Ferris wheel) in the Prater, which has survived since 1897, outliving its contemporaries in London, Blackpool, Paris and Chicago.
We also queued for standing tickets at the State Opera, of which more in the next post!